Prof. Zhushan Shao
Prof. Zhushan Shao
Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, China
标题: Heating process and damage evaluation of hard rock under microwave irradiation
The interest in microwave processing of materials especially facilitating breakage is highlighted recently due to its potential for decreasing energy consumption and improving process efficiency. Fundamentals and industrial applications of microwave heating are introduced in the lecture. Multi-field theory of microwave-assisted hard rock fragmentation is illuminated. Results of numerical simulation based on two phase model are presented to clarify the temperature gradient, stress and strain states of minerals under microwave irradiation. Damage evaluation of hard rock is quantified according to the crack propagation behavior. Experimental results of microwave heating pyrite-calcite mineral are shown to validate the theoretical model. The research has the significance for the industrialization of microwave-assisted solid breakage. 

Dr Shao is currently working in the school of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology. He received his Bachelor degree in Mechanics from Lanzhou University, Master and Ph. D. degrees in Solid Mechanics from Xi’an Jiaotong University. His research interests include micro-mechanics of rock and mechanics in advanced tunneling. He has published over 100 journal papers including nearly 50 papers indexed by SCI and EI, his research work has been cited 300 times by other SCI papers. He won the second prize of National Natural Science Award in 2013.