Prof. Vladimir Matichenkov
Prof. Vladimir Matichenkov
Institute basic Biological Problems Russian Academy of sciences, Russia
标题: Si-rich soil amendments, Si fertilizers and Si-rich biostimulators: economic and ecological benefits
Numerous laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments, which started since 1840 have shown benefits of silicon fertilization for rice (15-100%), corn (15-35%), wheat (10-30%), barley (10-40%), sugarcane (10-55%), tomatoes (5-30%), cucumbers (10-55%), strawberry (5-20%) and other crops and benefits for  maintaining a sustainable agriculture. Si fertilization has a double effect on the soil-plant system. Firstly, improved plant Si nutrition reinforces plant protective properties against diseases, insect attack and unfavorable climatic conditions. Secondly, the soil treatment with Si soil amendment optimizes soil fertility through improvement of water, physical, and  chemical soil properties and maintaining nutrients in a plant-available form. 
Today more than 4 mil tons of Si-rich materials are applied annually. The main part of these substances are presented by different slags or natural minerals and recognized as Si-rich soil amendments with application rate is about 1-10 t/ha. These substances mostly have positive effect on the soil fertility level. Second group of Si-based agrochemical is Si fertilizers, which provide Si nutrition for cultivated plants. Usually the application rate for these substances are 50-500 kg/ha. It is available, also Si-base biostimulants, which applied at the rate 0.3-10 kg/ha and activate the natural plant immune system with protection against biotic and abiotic stresses. The compilation of the se substances can dramatically (on 90-98%) reduce the heavy metals accumulation by cultivated plants, stop nutrient and pollutants leaching, increase soil fertility level, reduce the greenhouse gases emission. The quality and quantity of the crop is increased under application of Si-rich materials with possibility to reduced traditional NPK and pesticides application (on 20-50% and more) without reduction of the crop yield.
Dr. Vladimir V. Matichenkov was born in 1964. Vladimir Matichenkov have graduated Moscow State University Soil Science Departmnet at 1986 and has Ph.D. title since 1990. In 1998-2004 worked in the University of Florida for practical inmplementation of the Si-based fertilizers. His technology for reduction NPK leaching was nominated as Best Management Practice. In 2004 he returnet to Russia and works in Institute basic Biological Problems Russian academy of Sciences. In 2008 Dr. Vladimir Matoichenkov defence scientific title Doctor of science in Soil Science and Plant hpysiology (highest scientific degree in Russian Academy of science). Several international projects were realized in Australia (Sugarcane project), Chile (soil and water protection against pollution), Togolese Republic (Biodisel production from Jatropah plant), Norway (Advanced Si fertilizer), and Russia (Si and drought resistance, soil remediation et. al). Since 2012 Dr. Vladimir Matichenkov cooperate with Chinese goventmental and private organizations (Hunan, Jangsu) as Foreign Expert. Several Provintioal and National projects were succesfully done for reduction of Cd uptake by rice (up to 90-98% on commercial farm, if to use Si-base technology) and environmnet protection against contamination (phytoremediation technologies, water and soil remediation et al.).  Matichenkov V. numerouse elaborates technologies for sustainable and organic agriculture and for environment protection.  He published more than 150 scientific papers, have patents and have elaborated several technologies for environment protection against pollution. In 2015 Chinese governmnet awarded  Dr. Vladimir Matichenkov by Frendship Award. Today Dr. Vladim ir Matichenkov active works in different regions of China for practical impelementation of the Si-rich products.