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Gan Hong Seng
Dr. Gan Hong Seng
Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, China
Dr. Gan Hong Seng received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2016. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the School of AI and Advanced Computing, Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University. Dr. Gan research areas specialize in the use of artificial intelligence for medical image analysis. His research develops machine learning and computer vision algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis of Knee Osteoarthritis.  in 2018, Dr. Gan was invited as a JSPS Research Fellow at Meiji University, Japan. Besides, he serves as the Adjunct Professor of SRM Institute of Engineering and Technology, India and Academic Fellow of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. To date, Dr. Gan has published more than 46 journal papers and won special awards in numerous international and national exhibitions. He has vast experience in supervising postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers.